Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Bay State Grounded

Maine, 1916

Portland Sept. 25. — Capt. Foren of the Bay State says in relation to the making for the harbor he shaped the steamer's course for the buoy occupying the lightship position, and made what he supposed was the buoy, his running time, charts, etc., agreeing with that supposition, the buoy unfortunately proving to be the Old Anthony instead. After making the buoy he put the steamer on a NNW. course for Portland, with the disastrous results already reported. Capt. Foren ascribes the disaster entirely to the fact that the lightship had been taken off her station, the place where the steamer struck being about one mile off her proper course.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 6.

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