Thursday, April 24, 2008

Maine Notes


With prospects of a big lumber cut this year, the Bangor operators are facing quite a serious problem in getting help enough, and good men are scarce at any price. Wages offered are now from $35 to $40 a month, with board and transportation, much higher than usual. The usual influx of Canadians is lacking.

The Recreation commission of Portland has taken steps to provide a toboggan slide on the slope of the Western promenade during the winter, a sport that has never been cultivated to much extent here. A slide has been maintained by the Portland Country club, but otherwise the general public has been forced to content itself with limited opportunities for old-fashioned coasting.

Lucius B. Swett of Sanford has been appointed Judge of the York county probate court by Governor Curtis to succeed the late Judge Nathaniel Hobbs of North Berwick.

Manager Hugh Duffy of Portland has been given permission to transfer his franchise to another city the choice to be ratified by the directors before becoming effective. It was reported that he would transfer his team to Lawrence or Haverhill next year.

In the Bangor strike, over 100 went out and only 12 have returned to work, the company having filled the places of the others.

Harry A. Dearie, alias Harry A. Devoe of Worchester, Mass., Albany, N. Y., and Oliphant, Pa., was freed of the charge of breaking in the United States District court Friday afternoon but was re-arrested on a charge which accused him of breaking into the post on Aug. 11.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 8.

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