Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mrs. Gilligan Indicted for Murder


Hartford, Ct., Sept. 21. — Mrs. Amy E. Archer Gilligan, charged with poisoning five inmates of her home for elderly people at Windsor, was indicted for first degree murder on five counts by the grand jury late today.

Benedict M. Holden, counsel for Mrs. Gilligan, announced that he was not ready to proceed with the trial and Judge Shumway ordered the case continued to the December term of the superior court. Mrs. Gilligan pleaded not guilty and was remanded to the county jail without bonds.

Mrs. Gilligan was arrested on May 7 last, specially charged with the murder of Franklin R. Andrews, whose body had been secretly exhumed. Since that time four other bodies, including the second husband of the accused have been exhumed.

Most of the inmates were admitted to the home, the state claims, after contracts had been signed providing for life care upon payment of $1000.

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