Maine, 1916
Lieut. Arthur D. Newman, U. S. A., who has been stationed at Fort Brown on the Texas border for the past two years, is the guest for ten days of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Newman.
Mrs. J. K. Souther and Mrs. Robinson were dinner guests of Hon. and Mrs. A. A. Perry on Tuesday.
Mrs. Frances Farrington was in Portland on Thursday.
On Thursday Mrs. A. S. Glines, Mrs. G. O. Warren, Mrs. L. A. Weeks, Mrs. John Kattler, Mrs. J. H. Weston and Miss Alice Glines as guests of M. William Kelly enjoyed an auto ride through East Fryeburg and Harbor.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah McDonald will leave in a few days for South Conway where they will take charge of Mr. Charles Baird's summer home during the winter. While they are away their house will be occupied by Mrs. Laura Charles and son, Wellington, of North Fryeburg.
Mrs. J. Henry Weston and Payson G. Weston were the guests for two days last week of Mrs. Anne Lynch at Brownfield.
A somewhat unusual sight was observed by people passing the Chautauqua ground meadows recently when two deer were seen playing like lambs in plain view of the passer-by. This charming and quiet meadow with its nearby cover of thick undergrowth is a favorite resort of the deer during the protected season but it is seldom that more than one at a time is seen.
Vernice Harriman of Lovell was in town on Friday on business and was the dinner guest of his brother, E. E. Harriman.
Mrs. A. M. Abbott was the organist at the First Congregational church on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Fife spent the week end at their camp on Kezar lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Milliken of East Hiram were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chandler of Sweden are the guests during the fair of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brackett.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Fife spent a part of last week at their camp, Lower Kezar Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powers of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tenney of West Falmouth motored from Portland on Monday and are the guests of Mrs. Lillian Pike and will remain throughout the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Priest of Haverhill, Mass., who are on a motor trip to Maine, were guests of Miss Alice Hill on Saturday.
Miss Edna Chase has begun her duties as assistant clerk in the post office.
As guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor, Miss Clara E. Page, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Warren and Mrs. L. A. Weeks motored to North Conway on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Perry motored to South Conway Sunday to call on Prof. Comstock and family.
Mrs. Sarah Allard was given a surprise party by about fifteen of her friends on Friday, the occasion being her birthday. Gifts and flowers expressed the regard of her many friends. Refreshments of ices and fancy crackers were served by Mrs. Lyman Charles and Miss Abbie Smith, who were responsible for the pleasant occasion.
Mr. Elmer Hamden, who will represent the E. W. Burbank Seed Co., on their New Hampshire route this fall, left town on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Saylor of East Orange, N. J., are guests of Miss Clara E. Page.
Miss Rebecca Hibbard of Bridgton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Hamden.
Reuben Walker leaves town tomorrow for Portland where he will be employed by Conant Patrick Co. for the winter.
J. Henry Weston of New York arrived in town Monday, called by the illness of his father, E. P. Weston.
Mrs. E. Connor, Mrs. C. C. Warren, Miss Dorothy Warren, Miss Harriet Connor and Lawrence Warren with Fred Fitts as chauffeur motored to Jackson on Sunday.
Are you coming to the fair tomorrow or Thursday. Both are big days and you will be sure of entertainment. There will be good racing and plenty of other attractions. While at the fair don't fail to patronize the academy booth under the charge of Raymond Richardson where you may obtain a variety of refreshment.
Mrs. E. E. Harriman still remains quite ill and Miss Louise Horr of Lovell is caring for her.
At the recent annual convention of the national American woman's suffrage association held at Atlantic city, Mrs. Alice Parker Hutchins, wife of Roger M. Hutchins, was appointed head of a newly formed organization to be known as the "congressional committee of Brooklyn." The work of this committee will be most important as the members will interview candidates for Congress. Mrs. Hutchins will resign her present position as chairman of the political and legislative department of the Brooklyn woman's suffrage association and will be assisted in the new organization by many other prominent suffragists.
Noah McDonald and Addison Rogers have been sworn in as local policemen to act for three nights, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. They will patrol the streets all night, going on duty at 8 p. m., and working until 6 a. m.
Mrs. A. L. Hodsdon of Mountainview, N. H., and friends are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hodsdon.
The academy closed Tuesday afternoon not to reopen until Monday morning.
The many friends in town of Mr. J. F. Phillips will be glad to know that although still under the care of a trained nurse, he is able to be again in Fryeburg where he is registered at the Argue Not Inn.
Miss Alice Deering of Boston is the guest of Mrs. B. M. Stone.
Mrs. Katherine C. Hutchins, who has been in Bartlett visiting her son Thomas and family is in town for the West Oxford fair, and is the guest of her son Richard and of her cousin John Andrews. After the fair Mrs. Hutchins will return to Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fox of Portland are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fox.
Granville Austin and son Murray Austin of Boston are guests at E. E. Hasting's camp, Lower Kezar.
—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.
Monday, April 21, 2008
New Hampshire Neighbors
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