Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Porter Center

Maine, 1916

Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Norton were Sunday visitors at Earl Norton's.

Mr. Frank York is visiting relatives at Dayton.

Mrs. Luella Lord is carrying the scholars in the Black District to Kezar Falls.

Mr. John Bradeen, Mary Bradeen and children, also Sammy Watkins attended meeting at the Center Sunday.

Several from Kezar Falls motored to White Mountains Sunday, the 27th. Among those were Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Morton and Mrs. Frank Pendexter from this place.

Stillman Round sold a valuable, colt to Mr. Frank Merrifield of Hiram a few days ago.

Mrs. Lyman Burbank passed away September 19, at the home of her daughter, in Hiram after a long illness. Service was held Saturday.

Arthur Gilman has been hauling slab wood from Libby Bros. mill for Charles Sawyer.

Frank and Herman Gilman are shingling for Chas. French.

Mr. Frank Pendexter has returned from Vermont where he has been ordering in sweet corn for the factory.

Jesse Libby helped W. N. Durgin do his harvesting last week.

Ducks seem quite plentiful in this vicinity this fall.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 3.

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