Tuesday, April 22, 2008

South Conway


All of Mrs. Peare's friends in this place were shocked and grieved to hear of her serious accident Friday evening and are waiting anxiously for more favorable reports.

A party of five from this place went through and over a miserable old bridge in Madison, N. H., Sunday, the auto landing on its side six feet below. The three ladies in the party were badly bruised and Mrs. Cotton had three ribs broken. Fortunately the two men were unhurt and able to get the ladies onto terra firma when Dr. Wiggin of Conway was sent for. The rest of the party came home in a hired auto but Mrs. Cotton had to remain with her uncle Mr. Costello Robbins.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dennett visited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hatch Sunday.

Sanville & Chick's mill was shut down for repairs the latter part of the week.

"Going to the Fair" seems to be the song here lately.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 3.

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