Tuesday, April 22, 2008

South Sweden

Maine, 1916

Royal Flint is on the sick list again.

Henry and Maurice Emerson, also Wendel Plummer are working on the State road.

Hazel Plummer has gone to Fryeburg to visit relatives.

Mr. Herbert LeBaron has been repairing the roof to the Strout house.

Nettie Durgin is visiting relatives in Bridgton.

Wilfred O'Brian spent the week-end at his grandfather, Samuel O'Brian's.

Albert Flint has bought a gasolene engine.

George Thompson cut ensilage for Lindon Merrill, F. D. Holden and Ernest Bennett last week.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 3.

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