Thursday, April 3, 2008

Three Slain In Duel With Guns Over Girl


Doctor Objects to Man's Attentions to Sister-in-law

CHARLESTON, S. C., Jan. 1. — One of the worst tragedies in Eastern South Carolina in recent years occurred at St. Stephens, Berkley County. Three are dead: Royal Cotten, aged 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cotten, 90 Columbus street, this city; John E. Bell, a young farmer of Berkley County; D. J. H. Pratt, a physician of St. Stephens. Miss Lydia Bell, sister of Mr. Bell and sister-in-law of Dr. Pratt, was wounded in the arm.

Dr. Pratt is alleged to have started the shooting, killing young Cotten while the latter was visiting Miss Bell. A few moments later he shot and killed his brother-in-law, Mr. Bell, who returned the fire, killing Dr. Pratt. Young Cotten, shot in the heart, fell dead almost at the feet of Miss Bell.

It seems that the young Charlestonian was a frequent visitor at the Bell home, where Dr. Pratt also lived. It is said that Dr. Pratt objected to Cotten paying attention to his sister-in-law.

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