Monday, April 21, 2008

Toll Bridge

Maine, 1916

The cornshops have all finished packing. Albion Barker has been keeping the time of all the help at Harbor weighing the tests of each load of corn.

The Fryeburg fair will be this week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and we hope it will be good weather. A good Fair is expected. They have a new cattle barn and we expect the cattle will look better this year for having a new barn.

Lyman K. Hobbs and family have been down to Toll Bridge for about one month on his farm sowing down some new pieces for grass next year. We would like to have them stay all the year.

Hosea McIntire is very feeble.

Lizzie Holt and niece from Providence R. I. are at Fred Holt's, to stay until after the Fryeburg fair.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.

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