Monday, April 21, 2008

West Fryeburg

Maine, 1916

The sweet corn crop is harvested and quite a satisfactory report is heard from those who last June were so discouraged in regard to its reaching the market.

Harold Watson and Clifford Davis of Lovell, were Sunday guests at G. H. Coleman's.

Doris Coleman is still clerking at Seavey and Hill's grocery store, North East Conway, N. H.

C. F. and F. A. Stevens are cutting the ensilage and filling the silos of E. L. and E. E. Walker and W. M. Farrington.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meserve and friends motored to Bridgton last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Heath of Orono, have been visitors at his parental home, John Heath's.

W. J. Hardy and wife in company with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Seavey motored to Portland on Saturday. When returning home, while in Casco, Mr. Seavey was run into by another car, causing a damage to his car, which prevented his return home that night.

School began in this district Sept. 18, with the same teacher, Miss Foss, from Cape Elizabeth, who taught last year with much success.

Mrs. David Bell has returned to her home, after assisting Mrs. H. B. Eastman at North Fryeburg with her work, for a few weeks.

Mrs. Earle Bell has been at her parental home, Omer Charles at Chatham for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker and D. A. Ballard and daughter motored to Portland last week.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.

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