Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wilson Independent League


Boston, Sept. 19. — With the announced purpose of furthering the candidacy of Woodrow Wilson for a second term as President, the Woodrow Wilson Independent League was formed yesterday by several prominent business men chosen from all parties. The headquarters of the new league will be at 338 Washington street. An appeal to the independent voters was set out by the league last night and it credits Mr. Wilson with the "achievement of practically all the beneficial legislation of the last Congress." In regard to his foreign policy, the appeal declares that President Wilson has "asserted and maintained without resentment, with almost infinite patience, and yet with firmness and success, the rights of both this country and all neutrals."

Charles H. Jones of the Commonwealth Shoe and Leather Company is president of the league, John F. Moors is treasurer, and Ellery Sedgwick, editor of the Atlantic Monthly is secretary. The executive committee of the league consists of Charles H. Jones, chairman; Edmund J. Burke, Francis J. Goodale, John F. Moors and Ellery Sedgwick. The vice presidents are: Charles W. Eliot, Harry A. Garfield, F. W. Taussig, Bliss Perry, Henry B. Cabot, F. Lowell Kennedy, Lewis J. Johnson, Ray Stannard Baker, Charles P. Hall, Meyer Bloomfield, Frederick N. Wier, Arthur M. Huddell, Roger W. Babson, E. N. Vallandigham, J. Porter Russell, Hector N. Holmes, Dr. George W. Kaan, Rev A. W. Vernon, R. M. Hull, Jacob DeHaas, E. T. Hartman, E. H. DeLany, John S. Codman, Henry D. Nunn, Joseph B. Eastman, Robert H. Schacht, Dr. Fred L. Abbott and C. Crawford Hollidge.

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