Friday, April 13, 2007

Adam and Eve Cited for Having No Hunting License



Game Laws of Maine Violated by Couple, Who Have No Regrets.

HOULTON, Me., June 10. — Carl A. Sutter of Boston and his wife, Margaret, broke the game laws of Maine to get food necessary to sustain life, they told Judge James Archibald here yesterday when pleading guilty to five violations of the game code. It was charged that the man and woman while living as the "modern Adam and Eve" in the woods near Howebrook, trapped a deer, killed partridges, caught fish and made fire without reference to state regulations. They paid fines and costs aggregating $354.

Describing the plan of himself and wife to live six weeks in the wilderness under natural conditions, without civilized clothing, food or weapons, Sutter told the judge that the good resulting from his experience would more than balance any harm done by him in the woods.

—The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 11, 1922, page 9.

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