Tuesday, April 10, 2007

At 84, He's the Oldest Western Union Messenger "Boy"



Snowy Haired "Uncle John" of Luting, Tex., Speeds With Telegrams at Eighty-Four

Luling, Tex. — J. E. Palmer of this city probably enjoys the distinction of being the oldest messenger "boy" in the world. At the age of eighty-four he works for the Western Union from 8 a. m. until 6 p. m., delivering messages from one end of the city to the other.

Palmer was born in Flemingsburg, Ky., January 29, 1832, and fought all through the Civil war.

"Uncle John," as he is better known, came to Caldwell county in 1836. He is snowy haired and slightly bent.

She Was a Movie "Fiend"

Logansport, Ind. — Mrs. Manando McCabe, thirty-eight years old, was declared insane by a commission in Justice Reid's court here. She had been a regular attendant at the moving picture shows, and during the last few weeks has been under the hallucination that she is "Queen of the Movies."

Stole Her Gold Tooth

Bellaire, 0hio — While she was sleeping quietly several nights ago, someone entered Mrs. Russell Gordon's room and took a gold tooth from her mouth, deftly prying it from the crown. Police are looking for one of her boarders.

—The Appleton Daily Post, Appleton, Wisconsin, January 7, 1920, page 3.

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