Friday, April 13, 2007

Bulldog Takes a Bite Out of Crime



Walter Anderson Attacked by Bulldog When Making a Liquor Raid on North Fifteenth.

Walter Anderson, captain of Lincoln detectives, was bitten rather badly at 6 p. m. Friday by a large bulldog when he and other officers made a liquor raid on the house of Mrs. Ethel Brown, colored, 935 North Fifteenth street. Mrs. Brown was in the yard when an automobile carrying the police drove up, and she ran into the house. Detective Anderson ran after her, caught her and attempted to hold her. At that moment the bull dog rushed in and grabbed the calf of his leg. He pulled the dog off. Later the dog-catcher took it to the pound. One gallon of whiskey was secured.

In March another raid had been attempted on the same place. The dog was tied under a porch at the time and would let no one approach him.

Dr. R. L. Bentley, who dressed Anderson's wound, states that it will not be serious if infection does not set in.

—The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 18, 1922, page 2.

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