Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Four-Legged Chicken Hatched, Freak May Be Exhibited



Stands on Two Legs While it Scratches With the Other Two.

Chicken stories are like snake stories: some of them are untrue. This one is true and can be verified by those who are skeptical.

Gus Yuckenberg, of South Sixth street, has some Black Minorcas of which he is exceptionally proud and it is an egg from a setting of this favorite breed that produced the freak.

The chicken has a body just like any normal chicken but it has more than the usual allowance of legs, having four instead of just two. It is indeed a strange sight to see the chicken standing on two legs and scratching with the other two which have but two claws. The extra pair of legs are just behind the two normal legs and are of the same length. Yukenberg is thinking of putting the chicken on exhibition. The chicken otherwise is perfectly normal and healthy and was latched on Decoration Day.

Tramp Resisted Arrest

Although Indiana is particularly free from tramps this year, an occasional hobo drifts into town, and is promptly ordered by the police to skedaddle. One of them came to town on Monday and was seen by Chief of Police Keller Harris, who promptly ordered him to leave or go to work on the streets. It was thought he had left. Instead, he took on a heavy load of the fluid that cheers and went to sleep along the railroad near School street. Chief Harris found him and was bringing him to jail, when the tramp resisted with might and main. The officer used his club which had much to do with subduing the pugilistic proclivities of the tramp, and he was finally landed in jail.

—Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, June 6, 1911, page 1.

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