Monday, April 9, 2007

Ghost is Whistler, Conductors Report


SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. -- Is Twin Peaks tunnel haunted?

"It is," aver several conductors on municipal railway cars. "The tunnel is haunted, and what is more, the ghost that dwells in the tunnel is a whistler of ability, tenacity and great lung power."

According to several car men whose runs take them through the tunnel, the tube has a ghost that whistles in an uncanny way. One conductor avers he saw the ghost -- in the shape of a man -- the other night and that the ghost disappeared in thin air, like sunsets do in moving pictures.

Those who don't believe in ghosts explain the weird whistling as being due to the rush of air around the speeding cars, the walls of the tunnel confining the air and making the "ghost music."

--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, March 27, 1920, page 9.

Comment: I like the phrase: "disappeared in thin air, like sunsets do in moving pictures."

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