Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mr. Behme's Hens Are On The Job

Middletown, New York, 1913

While the scarcity of eggs, due to molting and other hen nonsense, cause prices to soar, Henry C. W. Behme, the North street feed merchant, is proud of the record of 32 Barred Rock pullets are making at his hennery on Mills avenue. These pullets were hatched February 13 and some began to lay on August 16. Their record thus far is:

August—Two dozen and four eggs.
September—31 dozen and seven eggs.
October—25 dozen and three eggs.

He is now getting from 13 to 15 eggs daily. The pullets weight from eight to nine pounds and the cockerels ten pounds.

—Orange County Times-Press, Middletown, New York, November 13, 1913, page 7.

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