Friday, April 13, 2007

Radio Stations May Cause Fires, Spooks in Nova Scotia



Fire Underwriters See Stations as Explaining Scare in Antigonish County, Nova Scotia.

Halifax, N. S. — The proximity of radio stations is the latest explanation of Antigonish county spooks, which have driven Alex MacDonald and family from home and baffled investigators.

Fire underwriters are discussing suggestions that the mysterious fires have been due to electric phenomena, caused by powerful wireless stations at Glace bay.

Several other families In Antigonish county are now reported to have been driven from their homes by mysterious fires during the last dozen years.

Inquiries received here indicate a small army of American newspaper men is preparing to follow Dr. Walter Franklin Prince, director of the American Institute for Scientific Research, who has accepted an invitation to undertake an investigation of the mystery.

—Oneonta Daily Star, Oneonta, New York, April 3, 1922, page 3.

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