Thursday, April 24, 2008

Central Powers Were Defeated in Great Battle


London, Sept. 22. — The latest official communication from Bucharest confirms the entente powers reports that the great battle in Dobrudja has ended in the defeat of the central powers after six days fighting. The battle began last Friday, and gradually increased in scope and intensity until Tuesday evening, with the result that on Wednesday the Germans, Bulgars and Turks crushed, were forced to withdraw, burning villages in their line of retreat in an effort to retard their pursuers.

The same communication referring to the Transylvania theatre announces that Rumanian forces have entered Ordernei, 50 miles northeast of Kronstadt. One-fourth of Transylvania is now in Rumanian hands.

With references to these operations, Berlin merely says that "fighting in Dobrudja has come to a standstill."

Rumanians, Russians and Serbian were pitted against the invaders, strong reinforcements having been hurried to Dobrudja when the operations under the noted German field marshal threatened to overwhelm a section of Rumania.

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