London, Sept. 24. — Of the 12 zeppelins which invaded the British Isles last night to deal death and destruction from the skies, two were destroyed.
One came down a flaming torch, as did the zeppelin L-21, destroyed three weeks ago, while the second, disabled by gunfire, effected a landing, which saved the lives of the crew, who tonight are prisoners. The crew of the first raider died in the consuming flames of their own ship.
Many who saw the shrapnel bursting like skyrockets above the invader which subsequently caught fire, think there must have been several direct hits. Many aeroplanes were aloft and attacked the zeppelins from all sides.
The raiders took a heavy toll of lives before their destruction, 28 persons being killed and 99 wounded in the metropolitan district of London. Two persons were killed, probably four, and 17 were wounded in the provinces.
The roar of dropping bombs was heard in many districts where the raiders were invisible.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Two More Zeppelins Vanquished
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