Monday, April 21, 2008

North Lovell

Maine, 1916

Emma Wilson is staying with Mrs. J. D. Hatch for a short time.

Hattie Hilton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna Warren.

Robert Sanborn and Mabel Trimback were Sunday guests at Fred Warren's.

Fred Warren and family will soon move to Lovell village where he will work for N. T. Fox this winter.

Mrs. Currie and son, John, have been staying at Clinton W. Milliken's house for a week or so. They expect to return to their home in New York soon.

Corn shops are closed now and the corn shoppers have returned home.

Elmer Davis has been sick with the prevailing cold.

George Wilson went to Sweden last Saturday.

Kezar Lake grange held a very interesting meeting last Wednesday. Mr. Leslie McIntire was present and made an interesting speech on grass raising and many other helpful things about farming. A lunch was served.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.

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