Monday, April 21, 2008

West Lovell

Maine, 1916

Alexander Laroque is guiding a party on Lake Kezar.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and infant daughter have returned to New York. They have been occupying G. H. Foss' cottage since July 1st.

Z. McAllister has sold his oxen to W. H. Rolfe of Casco.

Mrs. Emma Burgue of Charlestown, Mass., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John A. Fox.

M. A. Sargent and G. H. Fox have shingled the north side of Mrs. Caroline Fox's house.

Miss Georgie Nichols entered the Freshman class at Fryeburg Academy and Sarah and Etta Stearns have returned as seniors.

George Yeaton and wife of Norway and Mellen Eastman and daughter, Alice, called at Zach McAllister's on Friday.

Walter Laroque and wife, Caroline Fox and Eliza Lord went to Bridgton Saturday in G. W. Andrews' car.

Mrs. Hattie Nichols and son, Eben, and daughter, Lizzie, and grandson, Henry Wiley, have returned to Lynn, Mass.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.

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