Monday, April 21, 2008

North Waterford

Maine, 1916

Miss Olive Tasker is visiting at Mr. Will Moulton's and will stay until after the fair.

Miss Constance Warren who has spent her summer vacation at the Warren farm returned last week to her school duties in Louisville, Ky. Prof. and Mrs. Warren return to Albany, N. Y., this week. They have remained later than usual as schools did not open on account of the epidemic in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hutchinson went to West Bethel Tuesday to visit relatives and attend the fair.

Rev. C. N. Eliopoulos gave a dinner party in the vestry Tuesday entertaining Mr. M. M. Hamlin, Miss Elvira Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jackson, Mrs. Mary Dresser, Mrs. Louise Knight, Mrs. Ella Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth Manning, Miss Gladys Lord, Miss Madeline Logue and Miss Elizabeth Saunders.

E. B. Hersey and son are having a new milk room and shed built. Carpenters from Norway are doing the work.

Bears are again troublesome this fall, having killed one sheep belonging to Merritt Sawin and five belonging to Mr. Hersey. Men have seen many tracks and children have seen the bear, but he keeps out of sight of the man with the gun.

Elmer Henley and family celebrated Miss Erma's sixteenth birthday September 21 by an auto trip and a picnic at Sunday river.

A large number went from here to Norway to see the photo play "The Battlecry of Peace."

Addie Farwell is visiting at her brother, C. S. Cheever's.

Prof. Warren spoke at the Congregational church Sunday afternoon, giving a very interesting account of a trip through Holland.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.

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