Monday, April 21, 2008

South Waterford

Maine, 1916

Mr. F. S. Hawkes, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William C. Hawkes and two children of Windham Center were Sunday guests of Mrs. C. A. Swett.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bagly of Bridgton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brown.

Miss Florence Allen and Mr. Harold Estes of Gorham visited Miss Allen's sisters, the Misses Geneva and Eloiner Allen, Sunday, who are teaching school in this place.

Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Riggs spent the day in Bridgton recently.

W. J. Greene received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. Lizzie Applegate, of New York Monday morning.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 26, 1916, p. 2.

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