Thursday, April 24, 2008

Strike Still Threatening


New York, Sept. 21. — The threatened strike in sympathy with the striking street car employes will be called tomorrow it was announced late today by Ernest Bohm, Secretary of the Central Federated Union. Bohm made the announcement after a conference between labor leaders and a citizens committee which both he and Mayor Mitchell declared had failed in its efforts to avert the strike.

According to announcement late tonight by union officials, the threatened general strike order will include cooks and kitchen help, waiters and bell boys. Virtually every large hotel and restaurant in New York, it was said, would be affected.

Labor leaders were given formal warnings by Mayor Mitchel tonight that he would employ the "full civil and military powers" conferred upon him by law to prevent disorders if the threatened general strike of trades unionists is called tomorrow to aid the street car employes who quit their places September 6.

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