Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big Bull Kills One at Poor Farm, Injures Another



James Huffman Perhaps Fatally Injured at Poor Farm


Same One Which Killed Noah Ross in April—Ordered Killed Monday


The big bull at the County Home has a second victim, and his savage onslaught upon James Huffman, an inmate, this morning at 6:30, may yet result in the latter's death.

Ever since the bull's attack upon Noah Ross, which resulted in Ross's death on Saturday, April 29, the bull has been kept tied in its stall. Early this morning Huffman went to the barn and discovered that the animal had slipped its halter and had gotten into the entry to the stalls.

He secured a club and started to drive the bull back to its stall, intending to tie it there. When the bull saw him it charged him, knocked him down and savagely trampled upon him. Luckily, the beast had been dehorned some time ago.

Huffman's cries attracted Superintendent Pifer and John Walsh who went to his assistance. The infuriated bull was driven into a corner and securely tied. Huffman was then picked up and carried to the Home, and Dr. George E. Simpson was summoned.

The physician found that four ribs were broken, that the ligaments about the shoulders were badly torn and that internal injuries, of grave nature, had been inflicted. It is feared that the injuries will prove fatal.

Ever since the fatal injuring of Noah Ross, the bull has been kept tied and the County Commissioners had intended to kill him.

On Monday Commissioner A. F. Bowman made arrangements with a man to kill the bull that night, but the man failed to put in his appearance, and the animal was given the reprieve which resulted so disastrously.

It is said that Huffman had been in the habit of taunting the bull when about the stable, and this may account in part for its attack upon him.

—Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, May 23, 1911, page 1.

Comment: How'd you like to be the guy who "failed to put in his appearance"? You show up now and they're not very happy with you. But, hey, Huffman had a "habit of taunting the bull," so maybe it all worked out fine.

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