Wednesday, April 11, 2007

She Has Plenty of Money, But Denies Self Food



Supposedly Poor and Needy Cleveland Woman Found Out

Cleveland, May 23.—Weak and tottering from lack of food, Mrs. Jennie Scully, aged fifty-two years, was ejected a few days ago from her room in east Nineteenth street. She was cared for by friends and later was removed to the City hospital. Hers was evidently a pitiable plight until the board of charities and corrections learned that the woman was comparatively wealthy and had deliberately starved herself almost to death.

Inspection of her effects in her former apartments revealed a bag containing $5 in gold and passbooks of the Society for Savings indicating she had on deposit since 1899 the sum of $1,965.25, and in the Monroe County Savings bank of Rochester, N. Y. $2,031.23. On her person was found $278.95 in cash.

Hidden in her room were mortgages and bonds amounting to thousands of dollars, the former on property in this city, and tax receipts indicating the woman possessed large property interests.

—Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, May 23, 1911, page 3.

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