Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Christen Ship With Lincoln Well Water


Bloomington, Ill., Girl Chosen for the Honor

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. When Miss Margaret Fenton of Bloomington will appear as the city's official representative at the christening of the ship "Evergreen City," at Bristol, Pa., she will break on the prow of the vessel a bottle of water taken from a well from which Abraham Lincoln many times slaked his thirst.

Miss Fenton was chosen by popular ballot as the official christener of the ship, named in honor of Bloomington by the United States Shipping Board for the record made by this city in the drive for the Victory loan.

Sells Bride Funeral Flowers

BAKER, Ore. — George Thompson, a florist's employee, was fined $25 for stealing flowers from a grave and reselling them for a bridal bouquet.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, March 27, 1920, page 10.

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