Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Night Watchman Wants Vacation, Kills Himself

Waukesha, Wisconsin, 1915


Watchman at Walworth Almshouse Jumps From Water Tower at Night

On last Sunday evening, says The Elkhorn Independent, August Belk, employed at the county farm as night watch jumped to his death from a window in the fourth story of the water tower. He has been an employee of the county, working at the county farm for the past five years. For several years he has been in poor health and lately has been speaking of taking a vacation.


Wm. Blessing of Milwaukee a Suicide at Oconomowoc Resort

William A. Blessing of Milwaukee was drowned in a pond on the Tweeden farm near Okauchee last Wednesday afternoon, says the Oconomowoc Enterprise.

Mr. Blessing went to a sanitarium here a few weeks ago as a mental patient. On Wednesday while out for a walk, accompanied by a nurse, Miss Margaret Bauer, he broke away, through a fence and into this pond. Miss Bauer was almost as quick as her patient and ran into the water after him, and her calls for assistance brought Melvin Tweeden to her aid, but Mr. Blessing had drowned before they could get him out.

He was 48 years of age and leaves a wife. The remains were taken to Milwaukee on Thursday.


Pitches Wagon From Road and Driver Refuses to Lend Aid

Charles Flemming, while returning to his home from Menomonee Falls last Tuesday evening, narrowly escaped serious injury. His horse became frightened at an oncoming auto and threw the rig and the four occupants into the ditch. No one was seriously injured though the buggy was wrecked. The auto stopped but it is said, refused to convey the people in the wreck to their home. The accident happened near the home of W. P. Connell on the county line and aid was given by members of that family.


Glaring Headlight Causes Bus Driver To Leave Road and Wreck Car

Menomonee Falls News—Last Sunday night, with seven passengers in his jitney, Milton A. Perrin, had a serious accident, resulting in the total wreck of his car.

According to the best accounts the accident which happened near Muensberg's, Fond du Lac road, was due to the glare of an oncoming automobile and a dog crossing the road. The car with its load hit the dog and was ditched.

The first reports that the machine struck a telephone pole were untrue. The pipe connections to the gasoline tank were broken, and it is thought the tail light set the gasoline on fire and soon the machine was a mass of flames. The tank contained about eight gallons of gas.

None of the passengers in the car sustained serious injuries, though some received slight scratches and a bad scare. Dr. Rohr of North Milwaukee was promptly summoned and the passengers were taken to Muensberg's saloon. All of the occupants were later taken to Milwaukee by R. A. German, who also operates a jitney between Menomonee Falls and Milwaukee.

-The Waukesha Freeman, Waukesha, Wisconsin, August 19, 1915, page 6.

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