Friday, April 13, 2007

Girl Kicked Out of School for Powdering Her Nose



Provincial School Board Suspended Girl Bent on an Education.

KNOBEL, Ark., June 6. — Miss Pearl Pugsley, eighteen years old, who was prevented from attending school here because she "powdered her nose," is determined to obtain an education, still persists in using cosmetics, and has matriculated in the normal school course at the agricultural college at Jonesboro, Ark.

The girl says she will enter school and probably continue her course and secure a teacher's certificate so that she may within a few years be at the head of some school in the state. She firmly declares it is nobody's business if a girl desires to powder her face moderately.

The local school board barred Miss Pugsley from school because she violated an order banning cosmetics.

—The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 7, 1922, page 5.

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