Friday, April 13, 2007

Gypsies Progress: Use Autos, Not Covered Wagons



Wanderers No Longer Use Covered Wagons to Travel In.

Tuesday evening some Lincoln people returning from Crete in an automobile passed a caravan of gypsies who seemed anxious to learn if they were out of Lancaster county. The caravan was made up of three trucks and two touring cars, for now it is unusual to see gypsies traveling by the slow horse and wagon method. Officers reported that the caravan passed thru Lincoln early Tuesday evening and was about the first that has been seen this spring.

These transients are unwelcome visitors according to police officials of Lincoln, and during the past few years every legal power has been employed to make their stay as short as possible. Before the war it was uncommon to see these restless children of the great outdoors touring about in automobiles and during the war they practically ceased their wanderings. With the coming of peace, however, they once more took up their ceaseless wandering, but as tho during their period of inactivity they had learned some modern ideas, it is now a rare thing to see the real gypsy traveling in the old covered wagon.

—The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 7, 1922, page 7.

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