Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Harriet Tubman, "Moses of Her People," Now Inmate of Home



Harriet Tubman, "Moses of Her People," Now Inmate of Home.

Auburn, N. Y., June 3.—Harriet Tubman, the famous old negress who ran away out of slavery before the Civil war and became the most noted "conductor of the underground railroad," piloting over 300 slaves to freedom, was taken to the Harriet Tubman home in this city ill and penniless. She gave her all to establish the home for aged colored men and women of which she is now an inmate. She is as nearly as can be figured between 85 and 100 years old.

Known as the "Moses of her people," Harriet Tubman's achievement will never fully be chronicled. She was the friend of Garrison, Wendell Phillips, John Brown, Garrit Smith Seward and Lincoln.

—Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, June 2, 1911, page 2.

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