Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Horses Fed Musty Corn, Not Feeling So Well



People Who Drove to Elderton Had a Hard Time Getting Home

A number of Indiana men were furious on Wednesday and Thursday. They were the owners of horses which had been at Elderton on Memorial Day, many persons having gone there to witness the two games of baseball.

It appears that at one of the places where the horses were quartered and fed, some musty corn was given to them. Several of the horses became so sick that a number of those who had enjoyed the outing were scarcely able to reach home. All of the horses are better today and it is thought that no serious results will follow the eating of the musty corn.

Horse Had a Bad Fall

The horse which is used by William Brinkman in taking the mails to and from the tram had a bad fall on South Seventh street on Wednesday about noon. When the horse fell the wagon ran up on it in such a way that the horse's head was caught between the spokes of the front wheel. It suffered no other injury than a slight gash on the head where it was struck by the wheel.

—Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, June 2, 1911, page 1.

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