Thursday, April 5, 2007

Man Drowns In River, Friends on Bank Thought He Was "Fooling"

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 1909--


Thrown Into the Sioux River by an Explosion and was Drowned Before He Could be Rescued.

Sioux Falls, S. D., Aug. 17—Harold Clein, who only about two weeks ago came to Sioux Falls and accepted a position with the Bennett Light and Power company, was drowned this afternoon as the result of being thrown into the Big Sioux river by the force of a blast which himself and other workmen had set off in the granite bank of the river. It appears that Clein, when off duty, had been accustomed to perform a number of stunts in the water for the edification of his companions, and that when he virtually was blown into the river and floundered around in the effort to save himself his companions believed he was only "fooling" and did not go to his assistance until too late. No blame whatever attaches to the company, as the usual precautions were taken before the blast was fired. With the exception of a brother, who worked with him, the dead man had no relatives in the west so far as known.

--Weekly State Spirit and Dakota Huronite, Huron, South Dakota, August 26, 1909, page 4.

A Separated Separator.

Hurley, S. D., Aug. 16.—Annie Nelson, the daughter of a well known farmer living near Hurley, was injured in a peculiar manner. A cream separator being run at high speed by her brother suddenly went to pieces. The disks in the separating tank were revolving at tremendous speed and they were hurled with great velocity all over the room. The flying fragments cut Miss Nelson severely about the face and neck, though the injuries will not prove fatal. Her younger brother, who was turning the crank, was also injured, but not so severely.

--Weekly State Spirit and Dakota Huronite, Huron, South Dakota, August 26, 1909, page 4.

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