Monday, April 9, 2007

Railroad Officials Rush Father to See Dying Child

Syracuse, New York, 1919


Central Officials Break Empire Train Rule for Syracuse Manager

Through efforts of New York Central officials, J. W. Morey, with offices here, was able to reach his home at Grand View and the bedside of his 5-year-old daughter who was dying from burns, five hours earlier than he could have done except for the consideration of the railroad.

He left on the Empire, which broke its rule and stopped at Tarrytown. The engineer was told to lose no time, and he pulled into Tarrytown four minutes ahead of schedule. Central officials arranged to have the ferry at Tarrytown wait for the Empire and carry the father across the river to Grand View. The child was burned while playing near a bonfire. Mr. Morey is representative of the Westinghouse Lamp company, with offices in the University block. he has a suite at the Onondaga hotel.

--Syracuse Herald, Syracuse, New York, September 12, 1919, page 10.

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