Saturday, March 17, 2007


Refuse to Eat With Them in Camp Dodge Guardhouse.
Officers Yield and Provide Separate Mess.

Twelve soldiers of the Eighty-eighth division, confined in the guardhouse until they can be given a trial by court martial, went without a meal yesterday noon when they drew the line against members of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Fourteen members of that organization have been eating at the guardhouse mess along with the twelve men. When the latter learned the views of the I. W. W. they requested that they be placed in a separate mess, as they did not wish to eat with them.

Because the request could not be granted immediately the men decided to go hungry rather than eat at the same table with the alleged draft resisters. After the noon meal was over, arrangements for two messes were made, and last night the loyal dozen ate alone.

One of the peculiar features of the protest is that several of the twelve are socialists, but would not eat with an I. W. W.

--Des Moines Register, Nov. 10, 1917

Comment: Just reviewing a few old newspapers from the days of World War I, you can tell there was a big emphasis on "loyalty" and scorn for any dissent. In this little story, though, there's some different things going on. It sounds like they're all prisoners for one reason or another, draft resisting, being socialists.

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