Sunday, March 25, 2007

Endeavor to Make Whole World Dry

Prohibitionists Are to Apply Serum of Education to Peoples of All Lands.

Delegates to Congress Against Alcoholism Declare Readiness to Take Up Battle in Their Homelands.

Washington.—Armed with information on the victory of prohibition in the United States, foreign delegates to the International Congress against alcoholism are ready to return home and conduct among their own peoples drives against intoxicating liquors.

Business and scientific sessions of the congress were concluded Saturday.

Richmond Pearson Hobson placed before the congress at a recent session resolutions intended to aid the advocates of world prohibition. The congress being unauthorized to act, referred the resolutions to the international committee which governs its session.

Mr. Hobson in his resolutions urged the application of the "serum of education" to the anti-prohibitionists of the countries where the saloon still holds sway. He declared that the campaign of education employed to bring about: prohibition in the United States was the best method for drys in other countries to use.

Introduction of the resolutions followed their adoption by the executive committee of the world prohibition federation which met here in connection with the congress. Committees from the Women's Christian Temperance Union and the World League Against Alcoholism. Mr. Hobson said, also were giving the proposals consideration.

The World Federation also adopted resolutions demanding that congress deny citizenship rights and privileges to "brewers and others whose business has been outlawed in this country," if they attempt to invade foreign territory to continue their business. The resolutions bitterly denounced the reported plans of several large brewing and distilling interests to engage in the brewing or distilling of intoxicants elsewhere.

--Big Piney Examiner, Big Piney, Wyoming, Oct. 7, 1920, page 2.

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