You can be cured quickly, permanently and privately. Write me personally for free booklet, "How to Stop Stammering." Samuel A. Robbins, Prin. Boston Stammerers' Institute, 246 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.
Be FREE from
Home Exercise Course. Results GUARANTEED or NO PAY. Write for full particulars. Sutherland Institute, Educational Bldg., 70 Fifth Av., New York
You can be quickly cured, if you
Send 10 cents coin for stamps for 70-page book on Stammering and Stuttering, "It's Cause and Cure." It tells how I cured myself after stammering for 20 years. Benjamin N. Bogue, 711 Bogue Building, Indianapolis.
If you stammer attend no stammering school till you get my big new FREE book and special rate. Largest and most successful school in the world curing all forms of defective speech by advanced natural method. Write today. North-Western School for Stammerers, Inc., 2317 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
--from 1919, Popular Mechanics
Comment: Wow, Stammerers' Institutes, schools, home exercise courses.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
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