Monday, May 12, 2008

Girlless-town Swain Awaits Bride in Vain


Says He Sent Her $20, but She Failed to Appear.

CINCINNATI, Ohio. — Girls, a true-blue man has been discovered. Also a town has been found where there are no eligible girls and at least twelve young men who want brides.

The man is Robert Alldaffer, 24, of Snyder, Mich., who passed his second day of waiting at Central Union station for his fiancee. He never has seen her, but promised to meet her in Cincinnati.

"There are only two girls among the fifty inhabitants of Snyder," Alldaffer said, "and they are engaged."

Alldaffer sought a wife thru a matrimonial agency. A furnished house in Snyder awaits the "bride-to-be," who represented herself as Cora Graham, widow, 25, Afton, Tenn.

The courtship dated from May 15, when she wrote to him in reply to an advertisement in the matrimonial paper. She wrote that she had no money. He mailed her $20 to pay for a railroad ticket, he said. He also provided a blue bow similar to the one he wore on his coat, for it was by the blue bow that the lovers were to identify each other.

He has scanned the faces of every woman traveler, but the young widow failed to appear. "I'm afraid she's sick," he said. "It must be that or some trouble she experienced while traveling." Alldaffer still believes in the sincerity of his bride-to-be, but finally decided to buy a ticket for home.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Aug. 7, 1920, p. 5.

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