Friday, May 16, 2008

Hawthorne's Granddaughter


Miss Hildegard Hawthorne not long since published a weird sketch in a magazine, a literary effort which resembles her grandfather's style more than does the work of either of Nathaniel Hawthorne's children.

Miss Hawthorne is the eldest daughter of "that dear little boy," Julian, of whom Sophia Hawthorne wrote so lovingly to her mother. All the seven children thus "once removed" from the great novelist are very comely. Hildegarde is a remarkably pretty, fresh faced girl, with nothing of the mystic nor even of the literary in her appearance, which is that of a bright, vivacious, rather athletic young woman, whose rosy checks are browned by much exposure to the sun, and who is an adept with the oar, the sail or the tennis racket.

She has been a second mother to all those other children of whom her father once said that they made his, when they were little, "the House of the Seven Gabbles." — Philadelphia Press.

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