Saturday, May 3, 2008

Married 16 Years, Wife Is Unkissed



She Sues for Divorce — Other Women Complain of Too Many Caresses.

LOS ANGELES, Cal. — The "kissless wonder" of the ages has been unearthed! Can you imagine a man who lived as a model husband with his wife for sixteen years and during all that time failed to kiss her even once?

Such is the complaint against her mate, made by Mrs. Stephen Biggins who is suing for divorce here.

"During our courtship," she says, "he didn't kiss me at all, even tho caressing me in other ways. I thought it was because he was bashful or something and had no idea that it would continue after marriage. But it did. Finally, one day, I asked him why he had never kissed me. He declared that he loved me but had never kissed a woman in his life, not even his mother, and that it was too late to start. He said that he was proud of the record. He added that 'any poor fool could kiss, but it took a man to keep away from temptation all his life.'

"So I said nothing more about it. He was always an ideal husband in everything else and furnished the home with everything a woman could want — but love."

Biggins was noncommittal in his wife's suit for divorce. He declined to make a statement.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Aug. 7, 1920, p. 4.

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