Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Money Is All Right

New York, 1895

St. Monica's Church Report Bungled by an Incompetent Printer.

A correspondent called attention in the last issue of THE FARMER to some apparent errors in the annual financial report of St. Monica's church in Jamaica. It appears that there is nothing wrong with the accounts, the apparent errors resulting from the bungling work of an incompetent printer. The auditing committee of the church were Thomas Higgins and Thomas Rudden, both honest and competent men, and no one doubts but that every penny has been properly accounted for. For instance, the printed report says that the church property is insured for $327, and that $252 was paid in premiums. The fact is that the church property is insured for $32,700, The confusion resulted from errors in the printing, as we have said, and no one connected with the church is to blame. The printing was done at the Standard office.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1895, p. 1.

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