Friday, May 9, 2008

The Ryders Fall Out

New York, 1895

The Husband Says He Didn't Know He Was Getting Married.

Some testimony was given on Saturday in Justice Taylor's court at Hempstead in the case brought by Isabella Ryder, nee Holmes, against her husband for abandonment. Mrs. Ryder said that she was married last June by Counselor Mansfield Compton and after ten days Ryder deserted her. She presented a ring he gave her several days previous to their separation to make their marriage more binding.

Ryder said that the ring was stolen from him, that it was the property of his mother, and that it was taken from his finger probably while he was under the influence of some drug. He further stated that he was intoxicated when the ceremony was performed and was not aware of the nature of the proceedings. Counselor Compton agreed with Ryder as to his condition at the time of the marriage, but was of the opinion that Ryder knew what he was doing.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1895, p. 1.

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