Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Simple Remedy For Insomnia


A physician, in speaking of the various methods of inducing sleep, said: "I've tried them all — putting a cold towel on the head, bathing the feet in hot water, counting up to 1,000, drinking a glass of milk, and so on, and the best thing I ever found was simply this: When I have worked all evening and find myself at bedtime in a state of nervousness or mental activity, I go to bed and place my right hand directly over the pit of the stomach. Whether it is the animal warmth of the hand resting on the stomach and drawing the circulation from the head or some nervous action I can't say, but I know that I fall asleep in a few minutes. I believe that in a large majority of the ordinary cases of sleeplessness this simple remedy will prove effective. I have recommended it to many patients, and they report surprising success. — Chicago Record.

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