Sunday, May 11, 2008

A White Frog In a Solid Rock


The sensation of the Salt Lake valley some years ago was the finding of a queer white frog, with enormous eyes, in a solid rock blasted out at the Varley & Everill quarry at Salt Lake City. The rock in which the little hermit was found had been blasted from a strata several feet below the surface and was being separated into pieces suitable for loading when the pocket, or cavity, which contained the frog was discovered. The local account at the time says that "the discovery created an immense sensation among the workmen, and all operations at the quarry were for a time suspended."

Examination by the Salt Lake scientists proved that the creature was of a species supposed to have been extinct for thousands of years. Its immense eyes were sightless and covered with a thick, tough, horny substance, and the mouth was entirely closed up. Mr. Everill, one of the proprietors of the works, took charge of the curiosity, but it died within 24 hours and was presented to the city museum, where it is now preserved in alcohol. — St. Louis Republic.

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