Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Women Venders In Paris


The streets of Paris, particularly old Paris, are vocal with the mournful cries of women venders. They sing out the merits of newspapers, toys, fish, vegetables, fruits, flowers and small wares. Existence with many is a pitiful struggle, and poverty makes thief inventive.

After the marketing hours the greatest anxiety is caused by the perishable foods. Nothing is left untried to keep them from spoiling but ice, which is not to be had. One way of keeping up the appearance of the fish is painting the gills with cochineal or vermilion. Even the fresh fish are painted to quicken sales: Every now and then an unfortunate fishmonger is arrested, but she meekly takes the judge's lecture, pays a $10 fine and touches up her stock the very next morning. — Paris Letter.

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