* My headline. Original spellings on all the following items:
Desirable office rooms, see Ross & Waldo.
See Stehley & Keagy for Farm Loans.
Men's and Ladies' underware at Racket Store.
Paper hanging and house painting. See D.L. Irwin, Ellis.
Can they come back? The E.H.S. says, No! May 17th.
A good folding bed for sale, cheap. Enquire of Mrs. Hussey.
Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Enquire of R.R. Murden.
See Stehley & Keagy for anything in Fire or Life Insurance.
We have some good bird dog pups for sale. -- J.W. Hamilton, Ellis.
If your little chicks are not doing well feed them Salt Lode. For sale by J.G. Perigo.
Several went down from here Wednesday evening to attend the circus at Hays. They saw the elephant all right.
Found -- Saw and hammer. Owner can have same by applying at this office and paying for this notice.
Feed Salt Lode to your thriftless run down pigs and calves, and see them thrive. For sale by J.G. Perigo.
Mrs. E.C. Waldo and Mrs. C.C. Stone are down at Wichita this week attending a meeting of the Eastern Star.
There will be an adjourned menting of the Sons of Veterans next Wednesday evening. All members are requested to be present.
Try feeding Salt Lode to your stock. It is inexpensive and you will be more than surprised with the results. Sold by J.G. Perigo.
A bunch of kids came up from Hays last Saturday morning and hung one on the Ellis kids in a game of base ball to the tune of 12 to 15.
There will be 4000 feet of motion pictures at the Crystal Theatre tomorrow (Saturday) night. Go. It will only cost you 15 cents. Children 10 cent.
F.E. Marker closed a deal this week whereby he became the owner of the Frank Cahoon property in the east part of town. This will make the Markers a nice home.
Go to the Racket Store for men's and ladies' underware.
Union suits for men and ladies at the Racket Store.
For Rent -- Five room house. Enquire of S.J. Holman.
Don't forget the Track Meet and Ball Game, May 17th.
We have some good bird dog pups for sale. -- J.W. Hamilton, Ellis.
The Ellis High School vs E.H.S., Alumni. May 17th. Admission 25.
Lost -- Gold necklace with little gold heart locket. Finder return to Mrs. C.D. Blyke.
Mrs. Anderson of Salina came out last week and spent a few days visiting with her daughter, Mrs. H.E. Richards, and family.
"Polly of the Circus" by Miss Rubie A. Simon at the Opera house Wednesday evening, was one of the best readings we have had in Ellis for many a day. There was only a small audience present, but all enjoyed the reading.
Campbell Bros. circus was at Hays Wednesday and Wakeeney yesterday. The advance man told us that they were just playing a few towns on this trip (were skipping the best towns, Salina, Ellis, Hutchinson, etc.) and would be back some time this fall--
Rev. Hatch, a returned missionary will deliver a lecture Sunday afternoon at the M.E. church.
Miss Myrtle Richardson of Ellsworth crme up last Friday evening and spent Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Richardson.
Harve Penny, owner, and Hy Addison, manager, of the Hays Telephone Co., spent yesterday in Ellis conferring with the committee from the Commercial Club in an effort to get the difficulties between the Ellis and Hays companies patched up so that connections between the two cities could be made again.
Just to show the people of the city what kind of horses the farmers are raising and shipping out of the country, C.N. Manker gave a parade of the car which Bert Fisher purchased this week. They were about as nice a bunch of horses as you would be able to find any place and the farmers received good money for them.
--The Ellis Review Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, May 12, 1911
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
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