Wednesday, March 21, 2007


W.H. SNYDER, Publisher.
And here comes the four-slit skirt.
The trouser skirt is the only one that needs police protection.
The price of lobster has gone up, but this no excuse for being one.
It wouldn't seem fair to tax bachelors and let the young widowers escape.
The "bungalow" hat is the latest for women. Can it be bought on the installment plan?
It was Queen Elizabeth who said a lie is an intellectual method of meeting a difficulty.
The population of India is 315,000,000, an increase of 20,500,000 since 1901. No race suicide there.
Absolute independence consists, says one writer, in eating onions and not giving a-darn who knows it.
"Convicts are not the worst men" says a Chicago preacher. Still, there are a lot of good men out of prison.
Sandow, the strong man, is trying to build King George up to his own standard as against coronation week.
A Chicago minister says that some marriages are planned by Satan, and we thought they were all made in heaven.
The harem skirt is being taken seriously in Rome. One father has committed suicide because his daughters wore them.
Prof. Perrier, a French astronomer, tells us emphatically that there is no life on Venus or Mars. When astronomers disagree, etc.
An aeroplane carried thirteen men in a flight in France the other day, but the average citizen still prefers to cling to mother earth.
A new aviator whose name is Mars has dawned on the world. For once a birdman has been found who has a name that fits his calling.
Wherever it has appeared the harem skirt seems to have caused a riot. It is going to be hard on the timid to be fashionable this spring.
A Boston clergyman says women have lost the art of blushing, and this may be why some are wearing the hobble and some the harem skirt.
Pride goeth before a fall. When an automobile tries to knock a freight train off the track the pedestrian is tempted to chortle within his sleeve.
We move that the New Yorker who is running an agency to dispose of titled foreigners to American heiresses be thrown into jail for peddling gold bricks.
A church about to disband in New York has a membership worth about $750,000,000. The task of getting that treasure laid up in heaven seems to be a difficult one.
A Philadelphia public man thinks the harem skirt will uplift the race. -- [cut off]

--The Ellis Review Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911, Issue No. 30.

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