Wednesday, May 14, 2008

All the Baby Wanted


"It isn't a bit of use," cried the young man distractedly as he paced the room with the crying infant in his arms. "There is something alarming the matter with him, or he wouldn't cry like this."

"Oh, whatever shall we do?" said the young wife as she took her offspring and tried to soothe him. "Whatever shall we do?"

They were very young, and it was their first baby, and really if things had gone on for another hour as they had during the last it is an open question which would have gone into convulsions first — father, mother or baby.

"I'll fetch mother," cried the young fellow at last. "She'll know what to do." Presently he returned, dragging the good old mother with him, almost breathless with haste and overcome with apprehension. Putting on her spectacles, she regarded the infant critically for a moment and then said, "He wants feeding!"

"There," cried the young father excitedly, "we both knew the little beggar wanted something, but neither of us could tell what it was. " — London Tit-Bits.

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