Saturday, May 17, 2008

Costly Curds


The Empress Catherine, noticing that the beautiful Mlle. Potocka, who had lately come to court, had no pearls immediately commanded a fancy dress ball, to which the girl was bidden to come as a milkmaid. Then, while Mlle. Potocka was dancing, the empress slipped a superb necklace of pearls into the pail she carried, and, at her exclamation of wonder, said, "It is only the milk, which has curdled." — San Francisco Argonaut.

Her Father's Fortune

Jack (to fiancee) — Now, Ethel, do tell me how much your father is really worth.
Ethel (archly) — Oh, he has only me.
"Great heavens! Then he's no better off than I am!" — Philadelphia Call.

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